Color Shift Rules
On your turn, do the following:
1: Place a tile
2: Carry out 1 of 3 actions (optional)
3: Score completed tiles (if any, all players)
4: Draw a replacement card.
1: Place a tile:
To play a tile, it must be placed adjacent to an already placed tile (or tiles). The placed tile must share at least 1 color with the adjacent tile.
2: Actions:
After placing a tile you have 3 options:
1:Place a meeple
2:Move a meeple
3:Shift a tile
Place a meeple:
-You may only place a meeple on a connected color area that has no other meeples on it (including your own).
-Place the meeple on the tile you just placed and on 1 color.
-You may place it on a color you just completed and score it immediately (observing the previous rules, see “Quick Score” below).
Move a meeple:
-Move a meeple 1 - 3 tiles (orthogonally).
-During movement, you may step off the edge of the play area. Your meeple will loop to the opposite side of the board. Stepping off the edge and onto the tile on the opposite side is considered 1 movement. If there is a gap in the play area, your meeple skips the gap.
-Select a new color to stand on with your meeple.
-If you end movement on a previously finished color area or an unfinished area that is occupied, put the meeple on its side. Observe the same rules as “Place a meeple”
-If your meeple starts on its side, it will return to standing at the end of movement as long as the above conditions are met.
Shift a tile:
-Using the tile you just placed, slide it in any direction towards adjacent tiles. All tiles (in the direction you push) slide 1 space.
-You must push at least 1 tile.
3: Scoring:
-To score a colored area, that color must have no further way to grow larger.
-Place any meeples in the area on their side and count up points.
-Completed color areas are worth 1 point per tile.
-Any meeples on their side do not score any points.
*Keep in mind that scoring happens after taking an action. If a meeple would score, you can’t move that meeple until the next turn (assuming you want the points for that meeple).
*At the very end of the game, any unfinished colored sections are worth 1 point for every 2 tiles.
Example: Amy places a tile to complete her white area that has 1 meeple on it and is 6 tiles large. She scores 6 points and lays her meeple on its side
Shared Meeple areas:
If multiple meeples occupy one colored area when scored, all meeples score. This includes multiple meeples from the same player.
Example: Mark has 2 meeples on a colored area and Charissa has 1. The colored area is 5 tiles large. Mark scores 10 points, Charissa scores 5 points.
4: Draw a replacement tile:
Draw the top tile of the deck. If no tiles remain, the end of the game is near.
Game end:
-Once all players have played their tiles, the game is over. Everyone should have taken an equal number of turns.
-Remove any meeples laying down from the board. Score standing meeples at 1 point per 2 tiles and remove them from the board.
-Most points wins!
Standing/Side meeples:
-If a meeple is on its side, it is considered out of play and is ignored for all scoring and placement checks.
-Even if a color section becomes “open” by tile shifting the meeple remains on its side.
-The only way to stand a meeple is by moving it to a legal space.
Quick Score:
A color section is not considered “completed” until the end of a players turn. If, by tile placement, a color section becomes completed and a player moves their meeple (or places their meeple) into that section that turn, they can still score that section. They would immediately score and then place their meeple on its side. Normal movement/placement rules still apply.